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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Talking Tom Cat v1.3.4

You can pet him, poke him, you can even grab his tail.

Enjoy hours of fun and laughter with Talking Tom. He is especially fun for children of all ages.

Record your own videos of Tom and share them on YouTube & Facebook, send them by email/MMS (text) or save them to SD card.

??? How to Play: ???
? Talk to Tom and he will repeat everything you say with a funny voice.
? Pet his body or head to make him purr.
? Poke his head, belly or feet.
? Grab his tail.
? Pour a glass of milk for him to drink.
? Forget about him and he will yawn or sneeze.

??? Press Menu -> Settings to: ???
? Turn off the more violent actions
? Make him listen longer before repeating
? Clear the Facebook/YouTube login data

??? Paid features ???
? Cymbals
? Cake
? Bird
? Farting
? No ads

Recent changes:
1.3.1: MP4 video format instead of AVI, you can now send videos by MMS (text) or save them to SD card
1.3.4: Fixed issues when converting video on Dell Streak

Downloading Links :



A thermocouple is a device made by two different wires joined at one end, called junction end or measuring end. The two wires are called thermoelements or legs of the thermocouple: the two thermoelements are distinguished as positive and negative ones. The other end of the thermocouple is called tail end or reference end. The junction end is immersed in the environment whose temperature T2 has to be measured, which can be for instance the temperature of a furnace at about 500°C, while the tail end is held at a different temperature T1, e.g. at ambient temperature.

                                                                  Figure 1.

Because of the temperature difference between junction end and tail end a voltage difference can be measured between the two thermoelements at the tail end: so the thermocouple is a temperature-voltage transducer.


The temperature vs voltage relationship is given by:

                             Equation 1

Where Emf is the Electro-Motive Force or Voltage produced by the thermocople at the tail end, T1 and T2 are the temperatures of reference and measuring end respectively, S12 is called Seebeck coefficient of the thermocouple and S1 and S2 are the Seebeck coefficient of the two thermoelements; the Seebeck coefficient depends on the material the thermoelement is made of. Looking at Equation1 it can be noticed that:

  1. a null voltage is measured if the two thermoelements are made of the same materials: different materials are needed to make a temperature sensing device,

  2. a null voltage is measured if no temperature difference exists between the tail end and the junction end: a temperature difference is needed to operate the thermocouple,

  3. the Seebeck coefficient is temperature dependent.

In order to clarify the first point let us consider the following example (Figure2): when a temperature difference is applied between the two ends of a single Ni wire a voltage drop is developed across the wire itself. The end of the wire at the highest temperature, T2, is called hot end, while the end at the lowest temperature, T1, is called cold end.

 Voltage drop along one wire 
Figure2: Emf produced by a single wire

When a voltmeter, with Cu connection wires, is used to measure the voltage drop across the Ni wire, two junctions need to be made at the hot and cold ends between the Cu wire and the Ni wire; assuming that the voltmeter is at room temperature T1, one of the Cu wires of the voltmeter will experience along it the same temperature drop from T2 to T1 the Ni wire is experiencing. In the attempt to measure the voltage drop on the Ni wire a Ni-Cu thermocouple has been made and so the measured voltage is in reality the voltage drop along the Ni wire plus the voltage drop along the Cu wire.

The Emf along a single thermoelement cannot be measured: the Emf measured at the tail end in Figure1 is the sum of the voltage drop along each of the thermoelements. As two thermoelements are needed, the temperature measurement with thermocuoples is a differential measurement.

Note: if the wire in Figure2 was a Cu wire a null voltage would have been measured at the voltmeter. 

The temperature measurement with thermocouples is also a differential measurement because two different temperatures, T1 and T2, are involved. The desired temperature is the one at the junction end, T2. In order to have a useful transducer for measurement, a monotonic Emf versus junction end temperature T2 relationship is needed, so that for each temperature at the junction end a unique voltage is produced at the tail end.

However, from the integral in Equation1 it can be understood that the Emf depends on both T1 and T2: as T1 and T2 can change indipendently, a monotonic Emf vs T2 relationship cannot be defined if the tail end temperature is not constant. For this reason the tail end is mantained in an ice bath made by crushed ice and water in a Dewar flask: this produces a reference temperature of 0°C. All the voltage versus temperature relationships for thermocouples are referenced to 0°C.

The resulting measuring system required for a thermocople is shown in Figure3.

 Thermocouple measuring system 
Figure3: A measuring system for thermocouples

In order to measure the voltage at the tail end, two copper wires are connected between the thermoelements and the voltmeter: both the Cu wires experience the same temperature difference and as a result the voltage drops along each of them are equal to each other and cancel out in the measurement at the voltmeter.

The ice bath is usually replaced in industrial application with an integrated circuit called cold junction compensator: in this case the tail end is at ambient temperature and the temperature fluctuations at the tail end are tolerated; in fact the cold junction compensator produces a voltage equal to the thermocouple voltage between 0°C and ambient temperature, which can be added to the voltage of the thermocouple at the tail end to reproduce the voltage versus temperature relationship of the thermocouple. 

A sketch of a thermocouple with cold junction compensation is reported in Figure4.

Figure4: An example of Cold Junction Compensation

It should be underlined that the cold junction compensation cannot reproduce exactly the voltage versus temperature relationship of the thermocouple, but can only approximate it: for this reason the cold junction compensation introduces an error in the temperature measurement.

Figure4 shows also the filtering and amplification of the thermocouple. Being the thermocouple voltage a DC signal, removal of AC noise through filtering is beneficial; furthermore the thermocouples produce voltage of few tens of mV and for this reason amplification is required. The small voltage range for some of the most common thermocouples (letter designated thermocouples) is shown in Figure5, where their voltage versus temperature relationship is reported. 

Type R, S and B thermocouples use Pt-base thermoelements and they can operate at temperatures up to 1700°C; however they are more expensive and their voltage output is lower than type K and type N thermocouples, which use Ni-base thermoelements. However, Ni base thermocouples can operate at lower temperatures than the Pt-base ones. Table1 reports the approximate compositions for positive and negative thermoelements of the letter designated thermocouples.

 Emf vs Temperature for letter-designated thermocouples 
Figure5: Voltage vs Temperature relationship for letter-designated thermocouples 

Thermocouple typePositive ThermoelementNegative Thermoelement
KNi-10%CrNi-5% other elements
Table1: Approximate composition for thermoelements of letter-designated thermocouples

All the voltage-temperature relationships of the letter designated thermocouples are monotonic, but not linear. For instance the type N thermocouple voltage output is defined by the following 10 degree polynomials, where t is the temperature in degree Celsius:

Type N polynomialEquation2

The coefficients Ci are reported in Table2.

In order to have a linear voltage-temperature relationship the Seebeck coefficient should be constant with temperature (see Equation1); however the Seebeck coefficient is temperature dependent, as shown for instance for type K thermocouple in Figure6. Additional details on the voltage-temperature relatinships for letter designated thermocouple can be found at:

CoefficientTemperature range: (-270°C,0°C)Temperature range: (0°C,1300°C)

0.000000000000 x100

0.000000000000 x100 
0.261591059620 x10-1

0.259293946010 x10-1
0.109574842280 x10-4

0.157101418800 x10-4
-0.938411115540 x10-7

0.438256272370 x10-7
-0.464120397590 x10-10

-0.252611697940 x10-9
-0.263033577160 x10-11

0.643118193390 x10-12

-0.226534380030 x10-13

-0.100634715190 x10-14

-0.760893007910 x10-16

0.997453389920 x10-18

-0.934196678350 x10-19

-0.608632456070 x10-21
0.208492293390 x10-24
-0.306821961510 x10-28
Table2: Type N thermocouple coefficents      

 Type K Seebeck coefficient 
Figure6: Type K Seebeck coefficient vs Temperature

Virtual Oscilloscope using PIC Microcontroller

Virtual Oscilloscope using PIC Microcontroller

An oscilloscope is probably the most important instrument for observing and measuring electronic circuits. It allows you to observe timing, voltages, slopes, curves, and spikes of an electronic signal. A good digital oscilloscope can easily run you over $1000, but this scope will cost you a grand total of $40 for the kit, perhaps the cheapest scope you will ever buy.

Virtual Oscilloscope using PIC Microcontroller
Check out www.c-sharpcorner.com

Low pass filter for subwoofer

Many low pass filter circuits for subwoofer are given here and this is just another one. The circuit given here is based on the opamp TL062 from ST Micro electronics. TL062 is a dual high input impedance J-FET opamp which has very low power consumption and high slew rate. The opamp has excellent audio characteristics and is very suitable for this circuit.

Out of the two opamps inside TLC062, first one is wired as the mixer cum pre amplifier stage. The left and right channel are connected to the inverting input of IC1a for mixing. The gain of first stage can be adjusted using POT R3.The output of the first stage is connected to the input of second stage through the filter network comprising of components R5,R6,R7,R8,C4 and C5. The second opamp (IC1b) serves as a buffer and the filtered output is available at the pin 7 of the TLC062.

Circuit Diagram :

Power Suppy for Circuit :

Above Firgures Show How to make an Subwoffer Sound Producer.

Thanks :)))

The Palace Builder v1.0.1.101

In 18th century France, you are a young, unknown architect looking for your big break and a chance to impress the Queen. In this building Simulation game, set in the romantic upper class world of French aristocracy, you will design and manage the construction of the most beautiful structures in the kingdom. Will your work attract the attention of the Queen, or will a secret destroy your chances for fame and fortune? Find out in The Palace Builder


Counter Strike 1.6

Game Play Video

Minimum: 500 mhz processor 96mb ram, 16mb video card, Windows 2000/XP/ME/SE, Mouse, Keyboard

Download Links >>>

GTA 4 Full Game Download (15.61GB)

Game Play Video

System Needs:

Minimum system requirements:

Operating system: Windows Vista-Service Pack 1/XP-Service Pack 3/Win7

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4 Ghz

RAM: 1.5 GB Vista, 7 / 1 GB XP

Free space on your hard disk: 16 GB

Video Card: 256 MB Nvidia 7900 / 256 MB ATI X1900

Sound device: compatible with DirectX ® 9.0c

Installation instructions of GTA4:

To install the required software to emulate a disk. Installation is in 4 stages:

Set yourself modes (specify a directory for the game itself)

Set over patch (to establish himself, no matter where lies)

Ustanalvivaem Russifier (on request, as well as the patch is installed regardless of where lies)

Copy the crack from Razor folder in the directory with the game

Download Link (Total size 15.61GB)

Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

Game Play Video

Min. System Requirements :CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.4 GHz or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) 64 2800+ processor or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better supported
RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista)
Harddrive: 8GB of free hard drive space
Video card (generic): NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 6600 or better or ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9800Pro or better.

Download Links >>>

Saturday, March 24, 2012

IDM 6.10 Build 8 FINAL FUll with Patch Tool Life Time | 4.6 MB | Mediafire

This is the latest version of IDM released a few days ago for those of you who want to have IDM v6.10 Build 8 Final please donwload at the link below. It is certain at this time many additional versions of the IDM v6.10 Build 8 Final, for those of you who are already using IDM already know what the benefits of this software, the obvious advantages of this software to speed up the process of downloading files on the internet.


                       Download: IDM 6.10 Build 8 FINAL | Here |

Direct Download:
Cant click then copy paste in address bar......

Fet Buffer for amplifiers

source: http://cappels.org/dproj/edfet/edfet.html

The EDFET drives like a FET, but with the bias stability of bipolar. Amps of output current can be controlled by milliamps of input current. The current gain is a design choice dictated by bandwidth. Two of things you have to consider when adding a power output stage to an op-amp circuit are the frequency response and the cross-over distortion in that stage.

This is especially true with wide band amplifiers, where the unity gain crossover needs to be at several hundred kilohertz. The stage is driven much the same as a complimentary pair output stage, but with the current gain that comes with using FETs., and with feedback within the output stage that that extends the buffer's bandwidth and regulates the quiescent current. More predictable operation allows the designer to design a circuit lower overall power dissipation and better closed loop stability.

Fet Buffer for amplifiers

The EDFET complimentary buffer is made up of a pair of unity gain buffers, one that drives in the positive direction and the other that drives in the negative direction. Pictured above is the positive driving half of the output stage.

Gain to make the output signal track the input signal comes from inverting transistor, Q1. The input signal is applied to the emitter of Q1 and the output of the amplifier is raised one diode drop to match the forward base-emitter drop of Q1, by diode connected transistor Q2. The buffer's offset is determined by the log of the magnitude of the mismatch in the emitter currents in Q1 and Q2, and it is directly proportional to the absolute temperature.

Since the saturation current usually isn't published for the transistors this expression is only usefully for appreciating the dependence of junction voltage on current and temperature. You can come up with your own value of I0 for a given transistor if you know all the other parameters and solve the above formula for I0. By the way, since, for most practical uses, you will be running at more than a thousand times the saturation current, the "+1" term can be dropped from practical calculations.

As an example, for the audio amplifier using a EDFET buffer shown in Figure 1. The following assumptions are applied: The maximum output voltage is 5 VDC with respect to ground, the power supply (VA) is 12 VDC, the maximum gate voltage is 8 VDC, the input capacitance, Ciss of the BUZ73 is 500 pf, and an...

Discrete Buffer: Diamond Buffer
Discrete Buffer: JISBOS Buffer

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