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Friday, April 6, 2012

The City of Fools

As a newspaper journalist, you are sent to a small town of Tundel. A UFO is rumored to have landed there, but the local mayor tries to conceal the fact. Geared up to learn the truth about the mysterious event, you try to interview the mayor but finding him appears harder than it seemed. The way to his door turns up a real challenge to your courage, selflessness and wit.
Overcome all the incredible obstacles, find the mayor and become a hero



VHDL code for 4 bit Binary to Gray code converter

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity bejoy_b2g is
port(b:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

g:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end bejoy_b2g;

architecture a of bejoy_b2g is

g(2)<=b(3) xor b(2);
g(1)<=b(2) xor b(1);
g(0)<=b(1) xor b(0);
end a;

Windows Xp Genuine Forever 100%


Windows Xp Genuine Forever

                                       DOWNLOAD GENUINE FILES

1.Copy all the files from the system32 Folder and 

   paste to  C:WINDOWS:System32/

2.Now go to ///start///---///run///---and type in instexnt install

3.Congratulations,from now u have a genuine copy of Xp

4.U can now add the 1.reg file or restart u pc.

5.Now Run the Microsoft Windows Genuine Check Tool ,

   and see if u PC is 'genuine'. 

VHDL code for SR Flip Flop

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity bejoy_rsff is
port(s,r,clk:in std_logic;q,q1,z:inout std_logic);
end bejoy_rsff;

architecture arc of bejoy_rsff is

if clk='1' then
z<=s or ((not r) and q);
q<=z after 5ns;
q1<=not z after 5ns;

end if;
end process;
end arc;

Easy Method to Download Youtube Videos On Mobile and PC

A very simple and easy method is available to download Youtube Videos On Mobile and as well as on PC.


  1. Go to youtube video page, the video you want to download.

  2. Just remove 'www.' from the video url in the address bar and add 'ss' and press enter.

  3. A new page will be opened. 

  4. Choose the format you need to download.

If the Video URL is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHgOvf7710k then you need to just add 'ss' in front of it and remove 'www.', Like this http://ssyoutube.com/watch?v=jHgOvf7710k

Use the same procedure on mobile phones.

Any Problem or if have some suggestions, please comment.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

VHDL code for 1x4 Demultiplexer using structural style

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity bejoy_1x4 is
port(s1,s2,data_in : in std_logic;
d1,d2,d3,d4 : out std_logic);
end bejoy_1x4;

architecture arc of bejoy_1x4 is

component dmux
port(sx1,sx2,d : in std_logic;
z1,z2 : out std_logic);
end component;

dmux1 : dmux port map(s1,s2,data_in,d1,d2);
dmux2 : dmux port map(not s1,s2,data_in,d3,d4);
end arc;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity dmux is
port(sx1,sx2,d :in std_logic;
z1,z2: out std_logic);
end dmux;

architecture arc of dmux is
z1 <= d and (not sx1) and (not sx2);
z2 <= d and (not sx1) and sx2;
end arc;

Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

Google suggest is a feature that tries to auto complete your searches when you write in search box.It saves a lot of effort.But sometimes you get really weird suggestions that make you laugh.The most funniest part is that Google only suggest those terms which are regularly searched by people.So, this is a clear indication of how dumb people have become.You should also read my earlier post’s Top 7 Funny Google tricksand Funny Google Tricks

Here is the Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4e1cb980cf75f Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e2c30b3b9 Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e3bab53bb Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e13c13589 Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e14cb0ecc Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e127bfea9 Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e136d7903 Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e1186cb1c Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e1411ee30 Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e1466bab8 Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3e2049034a Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3f96e99730 Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4e1cb9118f77b Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

4dd3df2f13dcc Best Funny Google Search Suggestions

There are a lot more funny google search suggestions.If you know any that has not been shared in this post then do share it with our readers by commenting.

VHDL code for D Flip Flop

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity bejoy_dff is
port(d,clock :in std_logic;
Q:out std_logic);
end bejoy_dff;

architecture arc of bejoy_dff is


if clock'event and clock='1' then

end if;
end process;
end arc;

Single Ended Class-A Power Amplifier using 6C45Pi

The valve itself, have a simple circuit enviable any transistor amplifier, however, not many projects that employ a single active component. This construction philosophy, I like to call it minimalism.

If one speaks of minimalism, I think, that this project has all the credentials to qualify as such.

This is an amplifier cu, a final integrated (Compact) which employs a single tube (triode) signed 6C45Pi. To do this, could be used several tubes, including 437A, E55L (pentode) and the fantastic and expensive EC8020.

Two lines must for this valve: The EC8020 has an exceptional linearity, high dissipation and trasconduttanza worthy of a power triode. All factors ideal for a good amplifier cu, were it not for the prohibitive price (on the ebay Offers easily exceed one thousand dollars!).

6C45Pi even if does not reach the performance of EC8020, performs the task with dignity. The cost is a couple of orders of magnitude lower and is currently produced by Electro Harmonix and is part of his series most valuable the Gold Pins.

Schematic Diagram

The circuit used setup is classic: single-ended. This choice leads to a lower power, an output transformer more expensive, but all will benefit, at least for my taste, the sound quality.

About nutrition, the first idea was to use, such as straightening, a valve, but with an excessive size of the Schottky diode and filtering capabilities have also obtained excellent results (Sonic).


Not many projects are implemented on printed circuit valve, but it is my strong belief that, 's addition to a more orderly construction, provides added value to the success of the project.

The layout is as follows:

A fundamental rule in the design of the board is to avoid any link mass, so you should use as much as possible in a star structure. Usually the star center coincides with the negative of the first capacitor filter.


The board:

I used the usual method of iron more HCl + H 2 O 2.

Four resistors are metal film for half a watt, those from 220ohm wire wound vitreous enamel coated 6W, the Panasonic FC Electrolytic low impedance. Alps potentiometer, then the diodes, as already mentioned, type Schottky 1000V 1.5 A.

The two TU are wrapped by the Company upon specific ATC Electronix: www.atcelectronix.com/ provides the following features:

Primary: 4000 ohms
Secondary: 6 ohms
Power: 10W
Grain-oriented core AC 0:35
Bandwidth: 15 Hz - 75 KHz

I like to use for my projects output transformers wound on specific, because I have the opportunity to obtain more than I seek., The kind Mr. E. Calabrese's ATC Electronix has been immediately available, we discussed the characteristics and came quietly meeting.

Mechanically, the TU are well made, sturdy, beautiful black ice caps, we see that there is the hand of a fan.

Some photos of finished:

The cabinet is birch plywood 10mm polished with wax. I like the effect that old yellow comes out. The photos do not make the idea of greatness, but it is really small, only 230 x 200 mm high 60mm (TU and TA excluded).


I suggest to the speaker terminals, derived from a larval bi-wiring connections, it was a very economical way to get the four terminals, buying in bulk would have cost me more.


The cable used for connections between RCA, potentiometer and card is excellent Belden.


A valve, one triode and yet it sounds. Thought of having to keep the volume potentiometer can to listen to a decent level, but it was not at all. The pot did not exceed half of the race than I shouted down ... but we are talking about a "paltry" Watts!. Certainly the BLH (FE108ESigma) have done their bit (90 dB / W efficiency).

I connected everything, turned on and my room was immediately filled with music. Main features: detail, depth and dynamics.

Everything I heard sounded really good, thanks not only 6C45Pi but also of TU ATC Electronix.

The Finaly I am deeply moved, usually happens at concerts and my master amplifier.

The Medes and the voices are spectacular. I listened to all possible kinds of vocal music. Each of them seem natural, male or female is.

From Jazz to Classical, dall'Acustica the Rock and anything there is in the middle, everything comes back perfect. This little amp is very transparent.

Having experienced the one-tube amplifier, I had the confirmation: I will be forever minimal! Few watts, or only a few components in the audio chain, single screw speakers, no cross-over, no feedback, just pure music!. An amp like this, a simple player, a pair of single screw is all that a person has (or should have) need. I am extremely satisfied, so much so that I could separate me from my SE with the 2A3 and not feel greatly missed.

Faults? Sure. The sensitivity is very high, indeed it is low for maximum power output must be driven by almost 5 Vpp. The dynamic is good, but only one watt is just for musicians. However, the little man is promoted with flying colors while remaining down to earth.

(Source: http://digilander.libero.it/giovannidefilippo/progetti/GDF-UNICO!/UNICO.htm)

Wonderland Solitaire

The king of Wonderland suddenly died and the people must elect a new leader. Prince Argon is the residents of Wonderland's choice but the evil sorcerer Rasmos has other plans. The despicable sorcerer created a whirlwind, scattered all the residents of Wonderland and then conjured an army of skeletons in order to sway the ballet in his favor! The undead are able to vote in Wonderland elections so he will surely win! Gather up all of the missing residents for Prince Argon and help him win the election for the throne!



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